Karl Larsson is an artist, poet and editor. He has published three books, Form/Force (OEI Editör 2007), Nightsong (OEI Editör 2009) and Parrot (Paraguay Press 2010), in which a methodological poetry-essay form is used to investigate the book as a format and the act of reading as a presumbly activistic position. His sculptural works are presented as installations, often addressing literary issues such as translation, solitude, embodiment. Recent exhibitions: A travers l'histoire (Centre d'Art Passerelle, Brest), Form/Force (Neue Aachener Kunstvereien, Aachen), Parrot (Index, Stockholm), Modernautställningen 2010 (Moderna Museet, Stockholm).
Kollaborateur_in in:
12.10.2011 -
Ausstellung / Corner Cuisine / Lecture / Performance
The Double of the Object is that I Desire it
Karl Larsson
When Europe Speaks with One Voice
Karl Larsson
Ausstellung / Corner Cuisine / Lecture / Performance
The Double of the Object is that I Desire it
Karl Larsson
When Europe Speaks with One Voice
Karl Larsson