Tuesday, 18.02.2014
entgegen gegenteiliger Angaben
Die Autorinnen Karin Sarah Ley, Gianna Molinari und Werner Rohner lesen aus Staatsschutzakten verschiedener Personen. Ein Abend an dem die Sprache der Überwacher im Zentrum steht, ein Abend an dem Absurdes auf Erschreckendes trifft.
Die Lesung ist Teil der Ausstellung "Beobachten und Übewachen".
As a part of the exhibition "Observing and Surveillance" writers Karin Sarah Ley, Gianna Molinari and Werner Rohner will read state security files from different Swiss citizens. The Swiss government was accurately observing specific citizens during the cold war period. Reason for the observations could have been simply meeting a person or playing in a theatre - but also for political actions. In which the citizen would be criticizing the repressive and military obsessed swiss state/society. Many of these files provide an insight onto the 80-riots in Zurich, whose aftermath changed the city into a more open and culturally diverse city. The readings will bring up the language of the observing officers but also the absurdities and rather scary notes. The reading will be held in German.